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Product Name Low Molecular Weight Sodium Hyaluronate
Price / INR 120.00/ MT
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Product Lead Detailed Description 1

 Sodium Hyaluronate, cosmetic grade, 100kDa ~ 500kDa

Name: Low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate
Chemical name: Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium salt
Molecular weight: 100kDa ~ 500kDa
CAS: 9067-32-7
Appearance: White powder or off-white powder
Dosage: 0.1% ~ 0.5%
Shelf life: 3 years
Storage: Sodium Hyaluronate is easy to absorb moisture. It should be stored in a dry place and at low temperature(2°C-10°C).

Functions: Nourishing the skin, long-lasting moisturizing, softens cuticles.

Skin care: cream, emulsion, essence, lotion, gel, facial mask, etc.
Makeup: lipstick, eye shadow, foundation, etc.
Cleansing: facial cleaner, body wash, etc
Hair care: shampoo, hair conditioner, styling gel, hair restorer, etc.

High molecular weight sodium hyaluronate: water-retaining, forming a permeable mesh hydration film on the skin surface
Low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate: nourishing, softening cuticle, nourishing and repairing skin surface
Ultra-low molecular sodium hyaluronate: transdermal absorption, water storage, deep moisturizing, free radical elimination, anti-aging
Utilizing the moisturizing properties of different molecular weight sodium hyaluronate in different skin layers, obtain the best combination and ratio, make skin moist and soft from inside to outside.

Proper use of Sodium Hyaluronate
Sodium hyaluronate has good compatibility, and can be added into almost any water-containing cosmetics. Its high molecular and high-viscosity properties make it dissolve relatively slow. The higher the molecular weight and the higher the concentration, the slower it can be dissolved.
Dissolving in water. Heating can accelerate the dissolution of Sodium Hyaluronate.
Recommended dissolution methods:
1. Heat water to 60°C-80°C, slowly add sodium hyaluronate under rapid stirring to make it completely dispersed and fully swelled. Continue to stir it for 20 minutes to 60 minutes so it can be completely dissolved.

2. Add a proper amount of glycerol into the container with sodium hyaluronate. Shake or stir it to make sodium hyaluronate completely soaked. Slowly add 60°C-80 ° C water while stirring, stir until completely dissolved.

3. Add high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate to a solvent such as glycerin, propylene glycol or 1,3-butanediol, stir and mix, then add to the aqueous phase, stir it until completely dissolved.

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Product detail description <p> Sodium Hyaluronate, cosmetic grade, 100kDa ~ 500kDa<br /> <br /> Name: Low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate<br /> Chemical name: Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium salt<br /> Molecular weight: 100kDa ~ 500kDa<br /> CAS: 9067-32-7<br /> Appearance: White powder or off-white powder<br /> Dosage: 0.1% ~ 0.5%<br /> Shelf life: 3 years<br /> Package:1kg/bottle<br /> Storage: Sodium Hyaluronate is easy to absorb moisture. It should be stored in a dry place and at low temperature(2°C-10°C).<br /> <br /> Functions: Nourishing the skin, long-lasting moisturizing, softens cuticles.<br /> <br /> Application:  <br /> Skin care: cream, emulsion, essence, lotion, gel, facial mask, etc.<br /> Makeup: lipstick, eye shadow, foundation, etc.<br /> Cleansing: facial cleaner, body wash, etc<br /> Hair care: shampoo, hair conditioner, styling gel, hair restorer, etc.<br /> <br /> High molecular weight sodium hyaluronate: water-retaining, forming a permeable mesh hydration film on the skin surface<br /> Low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate: nourishing, softening cuticle, nourishing and repairing skin surface<br /> Ultra-low molecular sodium hyaluronate: transdermal absorption, water storage, deep moisturizing, free radical elimination, anti-aging<br /> Utilizing the moisturizing properties of different molecular weight sodium hyaluronate in different skin layers, obtain the best combination and ratio, make skin moist and soft from inside to outside.<br /> <br /> Proper use of Sodium Hyaluronate<br /> Sodium hyaluronate has good compatibility, and can be added into almost any water-containing cosmetics. Its high molecular and high-viscosity properties make it dissolve relatively slow. The higher the molecular weight and the higher the concentration, the slower it can be dissolved.<br /> Dissolving in water. Heating can accelerate the dissolution of Sodium Hyaluronate.<br /> Recommended dissolution methods:<br /> 1. Heat water to 60°C-80°C, slowly add sodium hyaluronate under rapid stirring to make it completely dispersed and fully swelled. Continue to stir it for 20 minutes to 60 minutes so it can be completely dissolved.<br /> <br /> 2. Add a proper amount of glycerol into the container with sodium hyaluronate. Shake or stir it to make sodium hyaluronate completely soaked. Slowly add 60°C-80 ° C water while stirring, stir until completely dissolved.<br /> <br /> 3. Add high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate to a solvent such as glycerin, propylene glycol or 1,3-butanediol, stir and mix, then add to the aqueous phase, stir it until completely dissolved.</p>

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